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Index of
Basic Concepts of Mathematics
by Elias Zakon

To indicate the range of topics covered in the electronic text Basic Concepts of Mathematics by Elias Zakon, we include here the book's index. According to the Terms and Conditions for the use of this text, it is offered free of charge to students using it for self-study and to teachers evaluating it as a required or recommended text for a course.

Abelian group, 178
Absolute value
in E1, 59
in En, 136
in Euclidean space, 180
in a normed linear space, 183
Additive inverse in En, 131
Additivity of the volume of intervals in En, 168
between two hyperplanes in En, 153
between two lines in En, 147
between two vectors in En, 142
Anti-symmetry of set inclusion, 2
Archimedean field. See Field, Archimedean
Archimedean property, 85
Argument of complex numbers, 176
Arithmetic sequence, 43
Associative laws
of addition and multiplication, 52
of set union and intersection, 5
of composition of relations, 29
of addition and multiplication, 52
of an ordered field, 52
of order, 53
completeness axiom, 80

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Basic unit vector in En, 130, 133
Bernoulli inequalities, 71
Binary operations, 26. See also Function
Binomial coefficient, 73
Pascal's law, 73
Binomial theorem, 73
Boundary of an interval in En, 166
Bounded set in an ordered field, 78
left, or lower, bound of a, 78
maximum and minimum of a, 79
right, or upper, bound of a, 78

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C (the complex numbers), 172
Cn, 179
dot product in, 179
Cancellation laws in a field, 56
Cantor's diagonal process, 47. See also Sets
Cartesian product of sets, 18, 70, 129. See also Relations
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
in En, 137
in Euclidean space, 180
Center of an interval in En, 166
Characteristic function, 27
interval in E1, 79
interval in En, 165
line segment in En, 148
of addition and multiplication in a field, 52
of addition and multiplication of integers, 75
of arithmetic operations on rationals, 76
Co-domain. See Range
lines in En, 147
points in En, 147
vectors in En, 137
group, 178
laws of addition and multiplication, 52
laws of set union and intersection, 5
Complement of sets. See Difference of sets
Completeness axiom, 80
Complete ordered field. See Field, complete ordered
Complete ordered set, 113
of an Archimedean field, 116
of an ordered set, 113
Complex field, 172 . See also Complex numbers.
Complex numbers, 172
argument of, 176
conjugate of, 173
geometric representation of, 175
imaginary numbers in, 173
imaginary part of, 172
modulus of, 176
de Moivre's formula, 177
multiplicative inverse of, 174
polar coordinates of, 175
real part of, 172
real points in, 173
trigonometric form of, 176
Composition of relations, 28
associativity of, 29
Conjugate of a complex number, 173
Contracting sequence of sets, 40
Convergent sequence of sets, 44
Convex sets in En, 150, 169
set of points in En, 154
vectors in En, 154
Correspondences. See Relations
set, 41, 44
union, 46
Cross product
determinant definition of, 150
of sets, 18, 70, 129. See also Relations
of vectors in E3, 150

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Dedekind cut, 112
Dedekind's theorem, 121
Density of an ordered field, 61, 88
definition of cross products, 150
definition of hyperplanes, 158
Diagonal of an interval in En, 165
Diagonal process, Cantor's, 47. See also Sets
Difference of field elements, 55
Difference of sets, 4
generalized distributive laws with respect to, 10
symmetric, 11
Directed line in En, 146
Direction angles of a vector in En, 143
Direction cosines
of a line in En, 146
of a vector in En, 143
Disjoint sets, 4
between a point and a hyperplane in En, 159
between a point and a line in En, 151
between two lines in En, 151
between two points in En, 139
in Euclidean space, 181
in a normed linear space, 185
Distributive laws
of addition and multiplication, 53
of set union and intersection, 5, 9
with set differences, 10
Division of field elements, 56
Division theorem, 74
quotient, 74
remainder, 74
of a relation, 16
of a function or mapping, 23
Dot product, 135, 179. See also En
Double sequence, 47
Duality laws, de Morgan's, 7. See also Sets

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E1 (the real numbers), 51
En (Euclidean n-space), 129
absolute value of a vector in, 136
additive inverse of a vector in, 131
angle between two vectors in, 142
basic unit vector in, 130, 133
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 137
collinear vectors in, 137
convex sets in, 150, 169
coplanar set of points in, 154
coplanar vectors in, 154
difference of vectors in, 130
direction, 144
direction angles of a vector in, 143
direction cosines of a vector in, 143
distance between points in, 139
dot product of vectors in, 135
globe in, 150
hyperplane in, 152 (see also Hyperplane in En)
inner product of vectors in, 135
intervals in, 165 (see also Intervals in En)
length of a vector in, 136
line in, 145 (see also Line in En)
line segment in, 147 (see also Line segment in En)
linear combination of vectors in, 133
linear functionals on, 154
linearly dependent set of vectors in, 135
linearly independent set of vectors in, 135
magnitude of a vector in, 136
modulus of a vector in, 136
norm of a vector in, 136
normalized vector in, 144
origin in, 130
orthogonal vectors in, 142
perpendicular vectors in, 142
plane in, 152 (see also Hyperplane in En)
position vector in, 130
product of a scalar and a vector in, 131
scalar multiple of a vector in, 131
scalars of, 130
sphere in, 150
sum of vectors in, 130
triangle inequality in, 137
unit vector in, 144
vectors in, 130
zero-vector of, 130
Edgelengths of an interval in En, 165
Elements of sets, 1
Empty set, 1, 41
of an interval in E1, 79
of an interval in En, 165
of a line segment in En, 148
of sets, 2
of relations, 28
Equivalence class, 33. See also Equivalence relation
Equivalence relation, 32
equivalence class, 33
consistency of an, 32
modulo under an, 32
partition by an, 34
quotient set by an, 33
reflexivity of an, 32
substitution property of an, 32
symmetry of an, 32
transitivity of an, 32
Euclidean n-space. See En
Euclidean space, 180
absolute value in, 180
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in, 180
distance in, 181
principle of nested intervals, 182
Existential quantifier, 12
Expanding sequence of sets, 40
Extended real numbers, 121

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Family of sets, 1, 6
Field, 54
associative laws of addition and multiplication, 52
binomial theorem, 73
cancellation laws, 56
closure laws of addition and multiplication, 52
commutative laws of addition and multiplication, 52
complex, 172
difference, 55
distributive law of addition over multiplication, 53
division, 56
existence of additive and multiplicative inverses, 52
existence of additive and multiplicative neutral elements, 52
factorials in a, 69
first induction law, 64
inductive sets in a, 63
integers in a, 74
Lagrange identity, 141
natural elements in a, 63
powers in a, 69
quotient, 55
rationals in a, 75
subtraction, 56
Field, Archimedean. 85. See also Field, ordered
density of rationals in an, 88
integral part of an element of an, 87
Field, complete ordered. See also Field, Archimedean
Archimedean property of a, 85
completeness axiom, 80
definition of a, 81
greatest lower bound (g.l.b.), 80
infimum (inf), 80
isomorphism of, 104
least upper bound (l.u.b.), 80
powers in a, 94
roots, 90
supremum (sup), 80
Field, ordered, 54. See also Field
Archimedean field, 85
absolute value, 59
Bernoulli inequalities, 71
bounded sets in an, 78 (see also Bounded sets)
density of an, 61
division theorem, 74
inductive definitions in an, 39, 68
intervals in an, 78 (see also Interval)
irrational in an, 90
monotonicity, 53
negative elements of an, 54, 58
positive elements of an, 54, 58
prime numbers in an, 77
quotient of natural elements in an, 74
rational subfield of an, 76
rationals in lowest terms in an, 76
relatively prime integers in an, 76
remainder of natural elements in an, 74
second induction law, 67
transitivity, 53
trichotomy, 53
well-ordering property of naturals in an, 67
sequence, 38
set, 41
Function, 23. See also Mapping
binary operations, 26
characteristic, 27
domain of a, 23
index notation or set, 25, 38
range of a, 23
value, 23

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Geometric representation of complex numbers, 175
Geometric sequence, 43
Globe in En, 150
Greatest lower bound (g.l.b.), 80
Abelian, 178
commutative, 178
noncommutative, 178, 30

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interval in E1, 79
interval in En, 165
line segment in En, 148
interval in E1, 79
interval in En, 165
line segment in En, 148
Hölder's inequality, 187. See also Normed linear space
Homomorphism, 105
Hyperplane in En, 152
angle between two hyperplanes, 153
coordinate equation of a, 152
determinant definition of a, 158
directed, 153
distance between a point and a, 159
linear functionals and, 154
normalized equations of a, 153
orthogonal projection of a point on a, 159
parallel hyperplanes, 153
pencil of hyperplanes, 159
perpendicular hyperplanes, 154
vector equation of a, 152

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Idempotent laws of set union and intersection, 5
Identity map, 24
iff (if and only if), 3, 13
Image of a set under a relation, 17
Imaginary numbers in C, 173
Imaginary part of a complex number, 172
Inclusion relation of sets, 2
anti-symmetry of, 2
reflexivity of, 2
transitivity of, 2
notation, 6, 25, 38
sets, 6, 25
Induction, 63
first induction law, 64
induction law for integers in an ordered field, 75
inductive definitions, 39, 68
inductive hypothesis, 65
proof by, 64
second induction law, 67
definitions, 39, 68
hypothesis, 65
proof, 64
set, 63
Infimum (inf), 80
Infinite sets, 41, 49, 45
Inner product, 135. See also En
closure of addition and multiplication, 75
in a field, 74
induction law for integers in an ordered field, 75
prime integers in an ordered field, 77
relatively prime integers in an ordered field, 76
Integral part, 87
of sets, 4
of a family of sets, 6
Intervals in E1, 78
closed, 79
endpoints of, 79
half-closed, 79
half-open, 79
open, 78
principle of nested, 85
Intervals in En, 165
additivity of volume of, 168
boundary of, 166
center of, 166
closed, 165
convexity of, 169
diagonal of, 165
edgelengths of, 165
endpoints of, 165
half-closed, 165
half-open, 165
open, 165
subadditivity of the volume of, 172
volume of, 166
Intervals of extended real numbers, 122
image of a set under a relation, 17
function, map, or mapping, 24
relation, 16
Inverses, existence of additive and multiplicative, 52
Invertible function, map, or mapping, 24
Irrational numbers, 47, 90, 119
Isomorphism, 104
isomorphic image, 104
of complete ordered fields, 104

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Lagrange identity, 141
Lagrange interpolation formula, 42
Least upper bound (l.u.b.), 80
of an line segment in En, 148
of a vector in En, 136
Line in En, 145
angle between two lines, 147
directed, 146
direction cosines of a, 146
direction numbers of a, 146
distance between two lines in En, 151
nonparametric equations of a, 147
orthogonal projection of a point on a, 151
orthogonal projection of a vector on a, 149
parametric coordinate equations of a, 146
parametric equation of a, 146
Line segment in En, 147
closed, 148
endpoints of a, 148
half-closed, 148
half-open, 148
length of a, 148
open, 148
combination of vectors, 133, 179
equation, 152
functional, 154
mapping, 154, 179
space, 178 (see also Vector space)
Linearly dependent
set of vectors in En, 135
set of vectors in a vector space V, 179
Linearly independent
set of vectors in En, 135
set of vectors in a vector space V, 179
Logical quantifiers. See Quantifiers, logical
Lower limit
of a sequence of numbers, 123
of a sequence of sets, 44

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Magnitude of a vector in En, 136
Map. See Mapping
Mapping, 23. See also Function
as a relation, 23
identity, 24
inverse, 24
invertible, 24
linear, 154
one-to-one, 23
onto, 23
Maximum of a bounded set, 79
Minkowski's inequality, 188. See also Normed linear space
Minimum of a bounded set, 79
of a complex number, 176
of a vector in En, 136
de Moivre's formula, 177
sequence of sets, 40
sequence of numbers, 40
strictly, 40
Monotonic, See Monotone
Monotonicity of < with respect to addition and multiplication, 53
de Morgan's duality laws, 7

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Natural elements in a field, 63
Natural numbers, 55
and induction, 63
well-ordering property of, 67
Negative numbers, 54, 58
Nested line segments, principle of
in E1, 85
in Euclidean space, 182
in a normed linear space, 187
Neutral elements, existence of additive and multiplicative, 52
Noncommutative group, 178, 30
Nonstandard analysis, 86
of a vector in En, 136
in a normed linear space, 183
Normalized vector in En, 144
Normed linear space, 183
absolute value in a, 183
distance in a, 185
Hölder's inequality, 187
Minkowski's inequality, 188
norm in a, 183
principle of nested line segments in a, 187
translation invariance of distance in a, 186
triangle inequality of distance in a, 186
triangle inequality of the norm in a, 183
irrational, 47, 119
natural, 55
rational, 35, 46, 75, 119
real, 52 (see also Field, complete ordered

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interval in E1, 78
interval in En, 165
line segment in En, 148
field, 54 (see also Field, ordered)
n-tuple, 70, 3, 129
pair, 9, 3, 14, 38, 129
set, 53, 112
triple, 27, 129
Origin in En, 130
Orthogonal projection
of a point on a line, 151
of a point on a hyperplane, 159
of a vector on a line, 149
Orthogonal vectors in En, 142

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Pair, ordered, 9, 3, 14, 38
inverse of, 15
hyperplanes in En, 153
lines in En, 147, 150
vectors in En, 137, 150
Parametric coordinate equations of a line in En, 146
Parametric equation of a line in En, 146
Pascal's law, 73
Pencil of hyperplanes, 159
hyperplanes in En, 154
vectors in En, 142
Plane in En. See Hyperplane in En
Polar coordinates of complex numbers, 175
Position vector in En, 130
Positive numbers, 54, 58
with integer exponents, 69
with rational exponents, 94
with real exponents, 95
integers in an ordered field, 77
relatively, 76
Projection, orthogonal. See Orthogonal projection
by contradiction, 68
by induction, 64
Proper subset, 2

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Quantifiers, logical
existential, 12
negation of, 14
universal, 12, 14
set by an equivalence relation, 33
of field elements, 55
of natural elements in an ordered field, 74

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of a relation, 16
of a function or mapping, 23
in a field, 75
in lowest terms in an ordered field, 76
Rational numbers, 119
countability of, 46
from natural numbers, 35
Rational subfield of an ordered field, 76
Real axis, 53
Real numbers. See also Field, complete ordered
binary approximations of, 100
construction of the, 111
decimal approximations of, 98
Dedekind cuts, 112
completeness axiom, 80
expansions of, 100
extended, 121
geometric representation of, 54
intervals of, 78
period of expansions of, 100
q-ary approximations of, 100
real axis, 53
terminating expansions of, 100
ternary approximations of, 100
Real part of a complex number, 172
Real points in C, 173
Reflexive relations, 17, 32
inclusion relation, 2
Relations, 14
as sets, 15
associativity of composition of, 29
composition of, 28
domain of, 16
equality of, 28
equivalence, 32 (see also Equivalence relations)
from Cartesian products of sets, 18
from cross products of sets, 18
image of a set under, 17
inverse of, 16
inverse image of a set under, 17
range of, 16
reflexive, 17, 32
symmetric, 17, 32
transitive, 17, 32
trichotomic, 17
Remainder (of natural elements in an ordered field), 74
Ring of sets, 172
Roots in a complete ordered field, 90, 91
Russell paradox, 11. See also Sets

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Scalar of En, 130
Scalar multiple in En, 131
Semi-ring of sets, 170
Semi-norm, 184
Semi-normed linear space, 184
Sequence, 38
arithmetic, 43
constant, 39
double, 47
finite, 38
geometric, 43
in index notation, 38
inductive definition of, 39
infinite, 38
lower limit of a, 123
as mappings, 38
monotone, 40
as ordered pairs, 38
strictly monotone, 40
subsequence, 40
upper limit of a, 123
Sets, 1
associative laws, 5
bounded sets in an ordered field, 78 (see also Bounded sets)
Cartesian products of, 18, 70
commutative laws, 5
complement of, 4
contracting sequence of, 40
convergent sequence of, 44
countable, 41, 44
countable union of, 46
cross products of, 18
difference of, 4
disjoint, 4
distributive laws, 5, 9, 10
duality laws, de Morgan's, 7
element of, 1
empty set, 1, 41
equality of, 2
expanding sequence of, 40
family of, 1, 6
finite, 41
idempotent laws, 5
index, 6
inductive, 63
infinite, 41, 49, 45
intersection of, 4
intersection of a family of, 6
lower limit of a sequence of, 44
monotone sequence of, 40
ordered, 53
proper subset of, 2
ring of, 172
Russell paradox, 11
semi-ring of, 170
subset of, 2
superset of, 2
symmetric difference of, 11
uncountable, 41, 45
union of, 4
union of a family of, 6
upper limit of a sequence of, 44
Venn diagrams, 5
Simple sets in En, 171
Sphere in En, 150
Strictly monotone sequences, 40
Subsequence, 40
Subadditivity of the volume of intervals in En, 172
Subset, 2
proper subset, 2
Subtraction of field elements, 56
Superset, 2
Supremum (sup), 80
Symmetric difference of sets, 11
Symmetric relations, 17, 32
Symmetries of plane figures, 31
as mappings, 31

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Transformation, 25. See also Mapping
Transitive relation, 17, 32
< as a, 53
inclusion relation, 2
Translation invariance of distance in a normed linear space, 186
Triangle inequality
in an ordered field, 60
in En, 137
of the distance in a normed linear space, 186
of the norm in a normed linear space, 183
Trichotomic relation, 17
< as a, 53
Trigonometric form of complex numbers, 176
Tuple (ordered), 70, 3

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Uncountable sets, 41, 45
Cantor's diagonal process, 47
irrational numbers, 47
countable, 46
of sets, 4
of a family of sets, 6
Unit vector in En, 144
Universal quantifier, 12
Upper limit
of a sequence of numbers, 123
of a sequence of sets, 44

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Vector in En, 130
Vector space, 178
complex, 179
normed linear space, 183 (see also Normed linear space)
real, 179
semi-normed linear space, 184
Venn diagrams, 5. See also Sets
Volume of an interval in En, 166
additivity of the, 168
subadditivity of the, 172

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Well-ordering property, 67

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Zero-vector in En, 130
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