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Index of
Mathematical Analysis II
by Elias Zakon

To indicate the range of topics covered in the electronic text Mathematical Analysis II by Elias Zakon, we include here the book's index. According to the Terms and Conditions for the use of this text, it is offered free of charge to students using it for self-study and to teachers evaluating it as a required or recommended text for a course.


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Abel-Dirichlet test
for convergence of improper integrals, 400
for uniform convergence of parametrized C-integrals, 408
extrema, 82
maxima, 82
minima, 82
Absolute continuity of the integral, 275
Absolute convergence of improper integrals, 393
Absolutely continuous functions on E1, 378
and L-integrals, 380
Absolutely continuous with respect to a set function t, 197
Additive extensions of set functions, 129
Additive set functions, 126, 126
Additivity of the integral, 260, 290
Additivity of volume
countable, 104
of intervals, 101
sigma-additivity, 104
Almost everywhere (a.e.), 231
convergence of functions, 231
Almost measurable functions, 231, 231
Almost uniform convergence of functions, 239
Egorov's theorem, 240, 283
Antiderivatives, 357
and L-integrals, 357
and R-integrals, 362
change of variable in, 363
primitives, 359

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Baire categories (of sets), 70
sets of Category I, 71
sets of Category II, 71
Baire's theorem, 71
Banach spaces, 76
integration of functions with values in, 285-291 , 305
open map principle, 75
uniform boundedness principle, 75
Banach-Steinhaus uniform boundedness principle, 75
Basic covering of a set, 138
Basic covering value of a set, 138
Basis of a vector space, 16
Bicontinuous maps, 70
functions, 52
linear maps, 53
fields, 162
measurable functions, 222
measures, 162
restrictions of measures, 162
sets, 162
Boundedness, linear, 9

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Csigma-sets, 104
volume of, 107
C-simple sets, 99
C's, family of C-simple sets, 99
C-integrals, see Improper integrals
parametrized, 402; it see also Parametrized C-integrals
Cantor's set, 76
Caratheodory property (CP), 145, 146, 157
Cauchy criterion
for convergence of improper integrals, 391
for uniform convergence of parametrized C-integrals, 403
Cauchy integrals (C-integrals), see Improper integrals
parametrized, 402; see also Parametrized C-integrals
Cauchy principal value (CPV), 402
Chain rule
classical notation for, 31
for differentiable functions, 28
on En and Cn, 30
Change of measure in generalized integrals, 332
Change of variable
in antiderivatives, 363
in Lebesgue integration, 386
Characteristic functions, 246
Clopen maps, 61
Closed maps, 59
Closed sets in topologies, 161
Compact regular (CR) set functions on topological spaces, 209
Comparison test
for improper integrals, 393, 399
for uniform convergence of parametrized C-integrals,405
Complete measures, 148
Complete normed spaces, see Banach spaces
Completions of measures, 159
completions of generalized measures, 205
Completely additive set functions, see sigma-additive set functions
functions between topological spaces, 161
linear map, 13
set functions, 131, 147
with respect to a set function t (t-continuous), 197
Continously differentiable functions, 38, 57
Convergence of functions
almost everywhere, 231
almost uniform, 239
Egorov's theorem, 240, 283
in measure, 239, 280
Lebesgue's theorem, 240, 283
Riesz' theorem, 280
Convergence of improper integrals, 388
absolute, 393
Cauchy criterion for, 391
comparison test for, 393, 399
conditional, 391
Abel-Dirichlet test for, 400
Convergent sequences of sets, 180
Countably-additive set functions, see sigma-additive set functions
Coverings of sets, 137
basic, 138
M-coverings of a set, 137
Omega-coverings of a set, 213
Vitali, 180; see also Vitali coverings
CP, the Caratheodory property, 145
Critical points, 82

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Darboux sums (upper and lower), 307
Lebesgue, 342
of generalized measures, 344
of point functions, 373
of set functions187
directional, see Directional derivatives
of set functions, 210
Radon-Nikodym, 338, 351
partial, seePartial derivatives
functional, 49
of matrices, 47, 96
Differentiable functions, 17
and directional derivatives, 19
chain rule for, 28
continuously, 38, 57
differentials of, 17
and partial derivatives, 19, 22
in a normed space, 17
m times differentiable, 38
Differentiable set functions, 210
Differentials, 17
chain rule for, 28
of functions in a normed space, 17
of order m, 39
Differentiation of set functions, 210-216
K-differentiation, 211
Lebesgue differentiation, 211, 351
Omega-differentiation, 211, 353
Directional derivatives, 1
differentiable functions and, 19
Finite Increments Law for, 7
higher order, 35
of linear maps, 15
Discriminant of a quadratic polynomial, 80
Disjoint set families,99
Dominated convergence theorem, 273, 327
Dot products, linear functionals on En and Cn as, 10
Double series, 110, 115

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intervals in, 97
volume of open sets in, 108
Elementary functions, 218
integrable, 241
integrals of, 241
integration of, 241-250
Euler's theorem for homogeneous functions, 34
Extended-real functions
integration of, 251-267; see also Integration of extended-real functions
integrable, 252
lower integrals of, 251
upper integrals of, 251
Extremum, extrema
absolute, 82
conditional, 88
local, 79, 89

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Fatou's lemma, 272
Fields of sets, 116
generated by a set family, 117
Finite Increments Law for directional derivatives 7
Finite set functions, 125
Finite with respect to a set function t (t-finite), 197
Finitely additive set functions, 126, 126
Frechet's theorem, 237
map, 294
theorem, 298, 301, 305, 334
Functional determinants, 49
Functionals, linear, see Linear functionals
Functions. See also Maps
bijective, 52
continuous, 161
differentiable, see Differentiable functions
homeomorphisms, 70
homogeneous, 34
implicit function theorem, 64
inverse function theorem, 61
partially derived, 2
Fundamental theorem of calculus, 360

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Generalized integration, 323ff.
change of measure, 332
dominated convergence theorem, 327
Fubini property in, 334
indefinite integrals in, 330
Generalized measure spaces, 194
integration in, 323ff.
Generalized measures, 194
completion of, 205
decomposition of, 344
signed measures, 194, 199
Gradient of a function, 20

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Hadamard's theorem, 96
Hahn decomposition theorem, 201
Hereditary set families, 123
Homeomorphisms, 70
Homogeneous functions, 34
Euler's theorem for, 34

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differentiation, 66, 87
function theorem, 64
Improper integrals, 388
absolute convergence of, 393
Cauchy criterion for, 391
Cauchy principal value (CPV) of, 402
comparison test for, 393, 399
conditional convergence of, 391
Abel-Dirichelet test for convergence of, 400
iterated, 394
convergence of, 388
singularities of, 387
Indefinite integrals, 263, 293, 330
indefinite L-integrals, 366
Independence, linear, 16
Inner products representing linear functionals on En and Cn, 10
Integrable functions
elementary, 241
extended-real, 252
with values in complete normed spaces, 285
Riemann, 307, 317
Cauchy (C-integrals), 388; see also Improper integrals
in generalized measure spaces, 323ff.
indefinite, 263, 293, 330
improper, 388; see also Improper integrals
iterated, 294
Lebesgue, 357
Lebesgue integrals and Riemann integrals, 313
lower, 251
of elementary functions, 241
orthodox, 247
parametrized C-integrals, 402; see also Parametrized C-integrals
Riemann (R-integrals), 308ff.; see also Riemann integrals
Riemann-Stieltjes, 318
Stieltjes, 319, 321ff.
unorthodox, 247
upper, 251
with respect to Lebesgue measure (L-integrals), 357
absolute continuity of the integral, 275
additivity of the integral, 260, 290
by parts, 321
dominated convergence theorem, 273, 327
Fatou's lemma, 272
in generalized measure spaces, 323ff.
of elementary functions, 241-250
of extended-real functions, 251-267
of functions with values in Banach spaces, 285-291, 305
linearity of the integral, 267, 288
monotone convergence theorem, 271
weighted law of the mean, 269
Intervals in En, 97
additivity of volume of, 101
simple step functions on, 218
step functions on, 218
Inverse function theorem, 61
Iterated integrals, 294
iterated improper integrals, 394
Fubini map, 294
Fubini theorem, 298, 301, 305, 334

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Jacobian matrix, 18
Jacobians, 49
Jordan components, 203
Jordan decompositions, 202
Jordan components, 203
Jordan outer content, 140

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K (the set of all cubes in En), 186, 210

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L-measurable, see Lebesgue-measurable.
L-integrable, see Lebesgue-integrable.
L-integrals, 357
and absolutely continuous functions, 380
indefinite, 366
L-primitive, 366
Lagrange form of the remainder in Taylor's Theorem, 42
Lagrange multipliers, 89
decompositions, 342
extensions, 154, 168
Lebesgue-integrable functions, 241
Lebesgue-measurable functions, 222
Lebesgue-measurable sets, 168
measure, 168-175
outer measure, 138
nonmeasurable sets under Lebesgue measure, 173
points of functions, 382
premeasure, 126, 138, 168
premeasure space, 138
sets of functions, 382
measurable functions, 222
measures, 176
measures in En, 179
outer measures, 146, 176
premeasures, 176
set functions, 127, 135, 176
signed Lebesgues-Stieltjes measures, 206, 335
Linear boundededness, 9
Left-continuous set functions, 131
Linear functionals, 7
on En and Cn as dot products, 10
Linear maps, 7
as a normed linear space, 13
bijective, 53
bounded, 9
continuous, 9, 13
directional derivatives of, 15
matrix representation of composite, 12
matrix representation of, 11
norm of, 13
uniformly continuous on En or Cn, 10
Linear subspaces of a vector space, 16
Linear independence, 16
Linearity of the integral
of extended-real functions, 267
of functions with values in Banach spaces, 288
Lipschitz condition, 25, 384
extremum, extrema, 79, 89
maximum, maxima, 79
minimum, minimima, 79
Darboux sums, 307
integrals, 251
Riemann integrals, 308
LS, see Lebesgues-Stieltjes.
Luzin's theorem, 234

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M-test for uniform convergence of parametrized C-integrals, 405
Maps. See also Functions
bicontinuous, 70
clopen, 61
closed, 59
linear, see Linear maps
open, 59
open map principle, 75
Matrix, matrices
as elements of a vector space, 15
determinants of, 47, 96
Jacobian, 18
n x n matrices as a noncommutative ring with identity, 15
of composite linear maps, 12
representation of a linear map, 11
Maximum, maxima
absolute, 82
conditional, 88
local, 79
Meagre sets, 71
Measurable covers of sets, 156
Measurable functions
almost, 231
Borel, 222
Frechet's theorem, 237
Lebesgue (L), 222
Lebesgues-Stieltjes (LS), 222
Luzin's theorem, 234
M-measurable functions, 218
m-measurable functions, 231
Tietze's theorem, 236
Measurable sets, 147
nonmeasurable sets under Lebesgue measure, 173
outer, 149
Measurable spaces, 217
Measure spaces, 147
almost measurable functions on sets in, 231
probability spaces as, 148
topological, 162
Measures, 147, 194. See also Set functions
Borel restrictions of, 162
as extensions of premeasures, 154
Borel, 162
complete, 148
completions of, 159
constructed from outer measures, 152
generalized, 194
Lebesgue, 168-175
Lebesgue extensions, 154
Lebesgues-Stieltjes, 176
Lebesgues-Stieltjes measures in En, 179
outer, 138, 139; see also Outer measures
product, 293
regular, 162
rotation-invariant, 192
signed, 194, 199
signed Lebesgue-Stieljes, 206, 335
strongly regular, 162
totally sigma-finite, 169
translation-invariant, 171
Metric spaces
as topological spaces, 161
networks of sets in, 212
Minimum, minima
absolute, 82
conditiona, 88
local, 79
Monotone convergence theorem, 271
Monotone set functions, 136, 117

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Networks of sets in metric spaces, 212
Nonmeasurable sets under Lebesgue measure, 173
Norm of a linear map, 13
Normal Vitali coverings, 192
Nowhere-dense sets, 70

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Omega-coverings of a set, 213
Omega-differentiation, 211
and Radon-Nikodym derivative, 353
Open map principle, 75
Open maps, 59
Open sets
in topologies, 161
volume of, 108
Operator, linear, 7
Orthodox integrals, 247
Outer content, 140
Jordan, 140
Outer measurable sets, 149
Outer measure spaces, 149
Outer measures, 138, 139
Caratheodory property~(CP), 145
constructing measures from, 152
Lebesgue outer measure, 138, 146, 176
Lebesgues-Stieltjes, 146
outer measurable sets, 149
regular, 155, 156

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P(S), the power set of S, 116
Parametrized C-integrals, 402
Abel-Dirichlet test for uniform convergence of, 408
Cauchy criterion for uniform convergence of, 403
comparison test for uniform convergence of, 405
M-test for uniform convergence of, 405
Partial derivatives, 3
differentiable functions and, 19, 22
higher order, 35
Partially derived function, 2
Partitions of sets, 195, 217
elementary functions on, 218
refinements of, 218, 308
simple functions on, 218
Permutable series, 110
Polar coordinates, 46, 50, 55, 306, 395
Positive series, 111
Power set P(S), 116
Premeasures, 137, 147
measures as extensions of, 154
induced outer measures from, 138
Lebesgue, 126, 138, 168
Lebesgues-Stieltjes, 176
Premeasure spaces, 138
Lebesgue, 138
Primitives, see Antiderivatives
Probability spaces, 148
Product measures, 293
Products of set families, 120
Pseudometric spaces, 165
Pseudometrics, 165

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Quadratic forms, symmetric, 80

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R-integrals, see Riemann integrals
Radon-Nikodym derivatives, 338
and Lebesgue differentiation, 351
and Omega-differentiation, 353
Radon-Nikodym theorem, 338
Refinements of partitions of sets, 218, 308
Regular measures, 162
Regular set functions, 140
compact, 209
outer measures as, 155, 156
Regulated functions, 312
Residual sets, 71
Riemann-integrable functions, 307, 317
Riemann integrals, 308ff.
Darboux sums (lower and upper), 307
Lebesgue integrals and, 313
lower, 307
regulated functions, 312
Riemann sums, 321
upper, 307
Riemann sums, 321
Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, 318
Right-continuous set functions, 131
n x n matrices as a noncommutative ring with identity, 15
Rings of sets, 101, 115
generated by a set family, 117
Rotation-invariant measures, 192

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sigma-additive set functions, 126, 147
sigma-additivity of volume, 104
sigma-algebras of sets, 116. See also sigma-field.
sigma-fields of sets, 116
Borel fields, 162
genereated by a set family M, 117
sigma-finite set functions, 140
totally, 140, 169
sigma-rings of sets, 116, 147
Borel fields, 162
generated by a semiring, 119
generated by a set family, 117
sigma-subadditive set functions, 137, 147
sigma0-finiteness, 167
Semifinite set functions, 126
Semirings of sets, 98
Separable sets, 223
double, 110, 115
permutable, 110
positive, 111
Borel, 162
Csigma, 104
C-simple, 99
Cantor's set, 76
convergent sequences of, 180
families of, see Set families
Lebesgue-measurable, 168
meagre, 71
measurable, 147
nonmeagre, 71
nowhere dense, 70
of Category I, 71
of Category II, 71
outer measurable, 149
partitions of, 195
residual, 71
rings of, 101, 115
sigma-algebras of, 116
sigma-fields of, 116
sigma-rings of, 116
semirings of, 98
separable, 223
symmetric difference of, 122
Vitali coverings of, 180
volume of, see Volume
Set algebras, 116. See also Set fields.
Set families, 98
set algebras, 116
C-simple sets C's, 99
disjoint, 99
fields, 116
hereditary, 123
products of, 120
rings, 101, 115
sigma-algebras, 116
sigma-fields, 116
sigma-rings, 116
semirings, 98
Set fields, 116
generated by a set family, 117
Set functions, 125
absolutely continuous with respect to a set function t (absolutely t-continuous), 197
additive, 126, 137
additive extension of, 129
compact regular (CR) set functions on topological spaces, 209
continuous, 131, 147
continuous with respect to a set function t (t-continuous), 197
derivates of, 187
derivatives of, 210
differentiable, 210
finite, 125
finite with respect to a set function t (t-finite), 197
finitely additive, 126, 126
generalized measures, 194
Lebesgue premeasure, 126
Lebesgues-Stieltjes, 127, 135, 176
left-continuous, 131
monotone, 136, 147
outer measures, 138; see also Outer measures
premeasures, 137
regular, 140, 155
right-continuous, 131
rotation-invariant, 192
sigma-additive, 126
sigma-finite, 140
sigma-subadditive, 137
semifinite, 126
signed measures, 194, 199
signed Lebesgues-Stieltjes measures, 206, 335
singular with respect to a set function t (t-singular), 341
total variation of, 194
totally sigma-finite, 140, 169
translation-invariant, 171
volume of sets, see Volume
Set rings, 101, 115
generated by a set family, 117
Signed Lebesgues-Stieltjes measure spaces, 206
induced by a function of bounded variation, 206
integration in, 335
Signed measure spaces, 194, 199
Hahn decomposition theorem, 201
Jordan components, 203
Jordan decompositions, 202
negative sets in, 199
positive sets in, 199
Simple functions, 218
simple step functions, 218
Singular with respect to a set function t (t-singular), 341
Singularities of improper integrals, 387
Span of vectors in a vector space, 16
Step functions, 218
simple, 218
Stieltjes integrals, 319, 321ff.
integration by parts, 321
laws of the mean, 322
Strongly regular measures, 162, 234, 237, 347
Sylvester's theorem, 80
Symmetric difference of sets, 122
Symmetric quadratic forms, 80
Sylvester's theorem, 80

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Taylor polynomial, 43
Taylor's Theorem, 40
generalized, 45
Lagrange form of remainder, 42
Taylor polynomial, 43
Tietze's theorem, 236
Topological measure spaces, 162
Topological spaces, 161
compact regular (CR) set functions on, 209
continuous functions between, 161
metric spaces as, 161
pseudometric spaces as, 165
Topologies, 161
closed sets in, 161
open sets in, 161
Total variation of set functions, 194
Totally sigma-finite set functions, 140, 169
Translation-invariant set functions, 171

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Uniform boundedness principle of Banach and Steinhaus, 75
Uniformly normal Vitali coverings, 192
Universal Vitali coverings, 192
Unorthodox integrals, 247
Darboux sums, 307
integrals, 251
Riemann integrals, 307

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V-coverings, see Vitali coverings
span of a set of, 16
Vector spaces
basis of, 16
dimension of, 16
linear subspaces of, 16
matrices as elements of, 15
span of vectors in, 16
Vitali coverings, 180
normal, 192
uniformly normal, 192
universal, 192
additivity of volume of intervals, 101
monotinicity of, 109
of Csigma-sets in En, 107
of open sets in En, 108
of sets, 125
sigma-subadditivity of, 109

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Weighted law of the mean, 269
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